

发布时间: 2024-05-09 08:07:29北京青年报社官方账号





Amazon’s trademarks on Prime date back to the beginning of the program 14 years ago. At the beginning, those trademarks related to the fast-shipping benefits. But in recent years, as Amazon has taken greater control of the shipping process, the Prime logo has become synonymous not just with the program but with the fleet of trucks, delivery vans and airplanes that deliver items to customers.


Amazon’s new presence in Bellevue represents a big win for the city, which was reeling in recent years from several un-leased office projects under construction and the?impending departure of Expedia to Seattle. Amazon joins a growing list of companies setting up shop both in Seattle and somewhere on the east side of Lake Washington — that includes Google, Tableau Software and others — to access talent around the region as commuting between Seattle and Bellevue becomes increasingly more difficult.


Amazon’s amping up for fall and announced six new pilots with Hollywood heavyweights, including shows created by Louis CK and Sacha Baron Cohen.


Among the top 10 countries with the most PV product exports from China, Vietnam surpassed India and became China's largest overseas market, with exports of around .39 billion. The figures represented a fivefold growth from the level seen last year, and accounted for 13.1 percent of China's total exports in the sector.


Amazon’s growth in physical retail raises natural concerns among many of the same traditional retailers whose businesses have been undercut by the company’s online domination. In a special report on the company from this past March, The Economist?cites the possibility of new regulatory scrutiny?for the company in the future. “If Amazon does become a utility for commerce, the calls will grow for it to be regulated as one,” the magazine concludes. “Shareholders are right to believe in Amazon’s potential. But success will bring it into conflict with an even stronger beast: government.”


